During Covid-19 lockdown I understood the importance of a virtual learning platform.

I searched across and found many platforms offering many courses online. I bought a few of these courses. Some of these courses were good and informative. Most of these platforms have courses listed which are prepared academically and hence serve a good purpose of adding value academically.

I found that there is a need to provide real insight of the actual tech/non-tech problems which are getting solved in IT software/hardware products in IT Industry or any other industry.

As I was reading various messages on LinkedIn, I found that most of us agree that the academic education needs a revamp.The education which is required to maintain the rapid growth in the Technology sector/other sectors must be connected via a platform which define the real experience of technology work/other work happening in different sectors.

When I joined an MNC decade back I was getting trained in various new technologies which I had never heard of. Some of my friends were known to the technology, but not know to depth of the skills required to work on. It was very difficult to understand the concept during those times and apply those to real project/industrial problems.

I had a habit of solving the problem and noting it down in a personal notebook. During cover-19 lockdown I found the bundle of old notebooks in my cupboard which were collected over a decade, which could have been given to the ragman anytime if it goes out of my sight and perhaps memory. I started thinking if it can be useful to others who want to get into Industry or want to enhance their knowledge.

I started thinking if I can come up with a platform which can connect with experienced professionals who are willing to share the knowledge with others. Our criteria for enrolling experienced course owner is that they must share their industry specific knowledge with others. Hence The courses which will be listed are based on real insightful experience. I named the concept as experienced social learning. Our tag line is inspired from same idea and defined as “social learning circle”. We have named it as “studyobject” , Meaning study with objectivity and learn from experience.

The platform contains amazing features listed below

1.Enrolling as a student, professional or startup.

2.Enrolling as Experienced Course Owner.

3.Online material download.

4.Offline consultation with Experienced course owner.

5.Online Video based Consultation with Experienced course owner.

6.Offline/Online Events for forming social learning circle.

7.Buy/Sell courses


9.Live chat

10.Online Quiz

The currently listed courses might be on the technology side but the platform remain independent of course types. I imagine if the professionals working across can share their experience of problems they have solved in the form of course on our platform, it will help others immensely. We hope this will help the thriving tech and other community to connect.

Welcome to (An Experienced social Learning Circle) .Please check the platform for your use at and time to learn and study objectively.

All courses available at . Please feel free to message me for any queries.



StudyObject © 2020. All rights reserved.