Introduction to C++ Programming

C++ is an object oriented programming language

C++ remains best suitable programming language for systems application programming

We present few questions to unlock the tips and tricks

1.Will following code compile?

#include<iostream>class A


A(int n)
std::cout<<” I am in parametrized constructor”<<std::endl;


int main()
A a;


Answer- Noif any of the constructor is declared inside class
default constructor must be declared otherwise code will not compile

2.Please provide output of program

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

int main ()
std::vector<int> myvector (10); //size of vector is 10

std::vector<int>::size_type sz = myvector.size();

std::cout<< sz <<std::endl;


std::vector<int>::size_type sz1 = myvector.size();

std::cout<< sz1 <<std::endl;
return 0;


Remember always that when vector is provided size when it is initialized ,
it will initialize all the elements with zero.
Hence when additional element is pushed back it increase its size.
Hence after two push_back on vector, size of vector is 12 also notice that it considers size of int as
1 byte instead of 4( :D ) note-size of int on 32 bit machine is always 4

3.Does private members of base class inherited in derived class?


class A
int a;

class B :public A


int main()

B b;

std::cout<< “size of B : ” << sizeof(b);

return 0;


Private members of base class are nt inherited but size in above example is 4 since derived class object also contain base class.
But base class private members can nt be accessed in derived class.


size of B : 4



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